Think about your past accomplishments. Your LIFE accomplishments, not just work. What have you done that is different or unique from your audience? What have you experienced that might make them sit up and take notice? I have had clients that felt there was nothing particularly 'special' about themselves until we started talking about their background. During these conversations I discovered a client that...
- had once lived in a monastery and trained to be a monk.
- had moved, on their own, from a foreign country to North America, at the age of 17, to live and work. They did not speak English at the time and had no family here.
- had hiked Mount Kilimanjaro
- had survived a tornado when a child, when their entire house was levelled
- had written a book
- had been attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean on a vacation
- had built an igloo to live in for a winter camping exercise
- had backpacked throughout Europe as a teenager for a full year
- had travelled through the desert for a month on camelback
- had volunteered for a year in Africa helping to build schools
- had taken in and raised her sister's four children, when her sister and brother-in-law died in a car crash, along with her own five children
- had won numerous cooking contests
- had completed more than 18 marathons
- had built their existing house from scratch, doing most of the design and building themselves
In business it is important to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Certainly, we want and hope that our work will do that for us. However, we have a wealth of other experiences that, when shared appropriately, can add more depth and breadth to our work accomplishments, helping our audience to understand us more fully and to appreciate our strength, confidence, tenacity, perseverance, commitment, generosity.... in a new and clearer light.
What are your stories?
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