
Monday, July 2, 2012

What are your 'Reasons'?

I still have kids at home...
We have a mortgage...
I don't have a degree...
I'm paying off my degree...
I'm too old now...
I'm too young...
I don't know enough to...
It's too risky...
The time isn't right...
The market isn't right...
Once I'm in shape...
I tried it before and it didn't work for me...
My boss would never go for it...
I have bad knees...
Others have said it's a bad idea...
I'm really busy right now...
I've invested too much to get where I am...
I have kids to support...
I have my parents to support...
I don't have the money...
I don't have the time...
I've never tried this before...
People might laugh...
People might think I'm crazy...
People might talk...

There are no shortage of reasons to NOT do something.  If you find yourself consulting your list of 'why not to do' something you want, you will never do it, never start something new, never try something new, never grow.  There is no reason on this list (or on a list you carry with you) that is big enough to stop you from going after something you want, IF you want it badly enough.  The question is... how badly do you want it?

In life you can have 'reasons', or you can have results.  Your choice of course, but the answer seems pretty clear to me.

The 'best' use of your reasons list?  Get a box of matches, a stick and a bag of marshmallows.  Truly, the best possible use of the reason list is to give yourself a treat!

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